5 things you must remember for an amazing workout session!

Workout must haves

It’s hard to come across people who don’t work out! Among the younger generation, I can positively sense a growing concern towards staying healthy and fit. A workout session at the start of the day or at the end has become mandatory. The rigors of long hours at the office, a sedentary lifestyle, wrong diet plans and unhealthy choices are wreaking havoc with your health.

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7 Ways to Look Great in Designer Fitness Clothes

“Fitness and fashion do not go hand in hand” says only an ignorant. If you thought fitness fashion is an alien concept, you probably are living in an alien world right now. For the realm of fitness has become fashionable over the years and how! Gone are the days of ill-fitted, dull, plain-Jane, no-nonsense track pants and t-shirts. Fitness clothing is just as expressive and idea-elucidating as party-wear clothes probably. And, with the whole concept of working out becoming more holistic, great emphasis is being laid to not only what you do, but also what you eat, what kind of lifestyle you lead, and what you wear while you are on the job. For good-looking clothes not only serve as extra motivation to sweat it out like you mean it, but they also make the whole experience more fun.

And with all the myriad options we have right now to be fit and kicking, there should be no dull moment in your fit life.

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Stand Up For Fit

Bra Size Guide by Triumph

Planning to go out for a dance night with her girlfriends, she realized that she doesn’t have the right bra. Oh but how does the bra matter anyway, I mean it’s not like she’s going to take off her clothes.And what about the dance floor? Forget it. She’ll sit in a corner and adjust the under-wire and deal with the quadraboob battle every few minutes.

Bra Size Guide by Triumph

She opened her bra drawer, only to realize that it’s just a bucket full of bad decisions.There’s this amazing bra that she bought on offer; it’s so pretty and it’s an A cup, I REPEAT, AN A CUP. She’s a C Cup!

And then she spotted a sexy bra that she intentionally bought two sizes smaller so that her cleavage would look noticeable; and then there’s this pretty one that stabs her in her armpits, and then another one, her favourite one that closes in the front, though it’s a little tight but she loves it because her boyfriend has a hard time figuring out how to open it.

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How to do squats at home

I will start exercising from Monday!
New Year Resolution: Start exercising!
Friend’s wedding: Start exercising!

To begin with, why do you need a reason to start exercising? NO I am not going to serve you with the Fitness should be a journey gyan but who are you trying to fool with the constant gym memberships that you keep spending on and the number of clothes, one size smaller, that you keep buying, hoping that someday you’ll fit into them?

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McCain Stuffed Capsicum

I recently attended the #McCainMeetup by McCain Foods at Sheraton, Saket. There, I met some food and fashion bloggers, and got the opportunity to taste quick meals prepared by the head chef of McCain- Tushar.

While on my way back home, with Veggie Fingers, Potato cheese shots and some more yumminess from McCain foods in my bag I kept thinking of making a protein rich recipe using these. As you know, potatoes contain good levels of carbohydrates which help you keep your energy levels high. How about adding some protein to these and increasing the fat burning process also?

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Food Review: Yoga Café


A very Happy New Year to the readers of ButterandButts 🙂

Almost everyone’s New Year resolution includes ‘eating healthy’, am I right or am I right? I am going to make things easier for you. I have recently started exploring healthy food restaurants in Delhi and had reviewed Lean Chef in December. Did you visit the place yet?

Just when I was looking for healthy food joints, Yoga Café surprised me with some delicious food. They have a different menu for everyday of the week and asked me to pick whatever I like.

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